Monday, December 9, 2013

Thirty-eight repeated thrice

After being snowed in for the past 48 hours, Jason came up to to visit yesterday.  He arrived earlier than expected---about 3:30.  We were at The Ballroom and getting toasted and draining those little silver balls within an hour!  We were pretty buzzed when we left at 6:30, which is funny to me.  It seemed SO LATE, and the sky was dark and the air temps frigid.

We swung down to Cherokee on the way home to get some authentic Mexican fare.  When we got back to the house, we joked around in the living room, drinking a few more beers and listening to music.  Then we took a shower.  The warm water was so soothing.  Jason is a tall guy, but he doesn't have to lean over to fit under the shower head at my house!  Such a simple pleasure!

We got into bed and made out again, for a long time.  His body is so warm, and I don't want to sound cheesy, but there really is no other way:  He is a lover.  Doesn't rush.  Truly enjoys himself and enjoys me.  I like watching him watching me.  I truly believe a person is either born with it or not, and both of us were born with it.  Jason knows what he's doing, and he learns/takes cues.  It is a different from what I have experienced since the dissolution of my relationship with Giuseppe.  And I mean that in a good way.  This is different than what I have felt/experienced with the few men I have dated since then.  And, not that I haven't totally enjoyed the casual hook-ups, or even enjoyed that companionship of a few through steady dating, even though that didn't work, I definitely learned from the experiences, but this is something deeper.  And it's awesome.  This is more than just getting off.  Jason says sweet things to me and seems interested in things that I/we talk about.  He has endearing nicknames for me.  He drives 80 miles in the snow to hang out for 12 hours before having to wake up at 6am to drive home to work a shift.  If he was looking for just sex, he could much more conveniently find it closer to home.

We did bang out last night, me on top again, with the light on.  That is my preferred position, and he is ready, willing, and able to just flip us over and pull me on top of him.  Then I got him off a second time from oral after we had turned the light out to fall asleep (that's funny we thought we were going to fall asleep).  I worked it so slowly.  His orgasm lasted like 20 seconds.  Then he was still shaking/tingling/hypersensitive for SEVERAL minutes.  It was awesome.

I'm not scared of how intensely I am falling for Jason, and I'm not scared of having my heart crushed if it comes to that.  And it feels good having that kind of confidence.  I had given up.  I bought a tiny house for just me and was more than content to carry-on on same path of doing me own thing all the time, banging myself out whenever I wanted and hooking-up casually.  Could I go back to that?  I'd like to think so.  I didn't/don't consider myself lonely.  But I am waaaay into what is coming together right now.  And I'm not afraid.

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