Today was kinda sorta amazeballs! Nothing super awesome happened specifically, but there was just a lot of quirky/memorable moments, including:
1. I was suuuuuper tired this morning and my brain was foggy. So I decided to drink coffee. This is, literally, the second time in my life I have ever drank coffee. I had just a shot. I did catch a buzz, but I don't know if it was from the caffeine, or from the whole pack of sugar and all the chocolate syrup I added.
2. My last patient was a riot. His name was Adrian, and I all I could think was Sly yelling, "Aaaaaaaaadrian!"
3. Dr. S sternly said, "Susan! Can you come here (into my office), please." There was the usual look of utter horror on my face ("Oh, shit what?!") for a half a second. But I wasn't in trouble. Dr. S gave me a very generous gift certificate to buy some items for my new house. Awesome!
4. I accidentally said "You don't want to suck it [blood clot] off" to a patient. "You don't want to suck it off." I think he noticed.
5. I had to take a CT-Scan of an object. There is a little platform that I placed into the chin cup and then set the object on the platform. I turned on the alignment lights to get the object in the cross-hairs and started to raise seat, because that is how a patient sitting in the CT machine would have been aligned. After a few seconds, I realized that the object was not being centered and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong because I was seeing the seat move! But the chin cup/platform wasn't attached to the seat anyway! I started laughing SO LOUD! What a bone-head!
6. Not cool, but in the past two weeks, there have been three patients (two female, one male - no relation whatsoever) who have come in with warts IN their mouth, and we had to biopsy them. We had to tell of of the women yesterday that she had cancer.
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