Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuning Out

I just skipped over all the coverage about the bomb in Boston and instead read an article on Yahoo! about the Duck Dynasty cast and how they have all been happily married to their respective spouses for a looooooong time. And it was awesome.

I have been streeeeeeesed the fuuuuuuuuck out! I need to turn off my brain.

I have been quietly pensieve about what happened. I was on swim team with the blond from the photo, you know which one I'm talking about. Its on every front page and all the interweb sites. I have my own photo, though, of the two of us at a swim meet in 1999 that has been on the shelf in the living room for 14 years.

Erikka posted a bunch of photos of all of us freshman year. It was a lot of fun (also a little horrifying! Haha!) I have a stack of photos as well, that I went through for fond memories and a much needed chuckle.

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