Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Calling All Kharma Points!

My shit got jacked. Beloved wiener dog wallet is gone! Drivers license is gone. Library card, Y pass, CTA paass, lucky (ha!) $2 bill...all gone.

My money is gone. My credit card is maxed out.

Today was a long day at work. When I was all finished, I checked my messages, and my bank had contacted me about some suspicious charges. I discovered that my wallet was gone! I tried to log onto my credit card account, and it was locked. So I called them, and sure enough, there were suspicious charges on that one, too.

I went to the Chesterfield P.D. and filed a report. I feel kinda good about it. The officer took all my info and told me that a detective would contact me tomorrow. He said these things take a long time, but the person who made all the charges did so at stores that have security cameras everywhere.

I have $0 liability with both my bank and my credit card, so that is a huge relief. However,it's a major hassel to go get a new ID, new accounts, file theft reports with all three credit beureaus, and regularly monitor my credit reports.

I am calling all kharma points to cash in! However, if not, STREET JUSTICE!!!

Just desserts.

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