Thursday, May 22, 2014

disgruntled office girl

Tonight at the end of the work day, I wanted to spit nails.  I was so angry that I let and took a walk around the parking lot.  My blood pressure was so high I could feel my pulse in my face.

Unsolicited, a co-worked told me that another co-worker was talking about me behind my back.  I was told that when I was out last week on my vacation, there was some implant piece that could not be found, and Heather said that I was purposely hiding it from her, and that kind of sneaky behavior was just like me.

When I heard this, I was was angry because it is untrue.  I only have the best intentions of the office in mind and am not sabotaging anyone.  I was also angry, because the girl who told me this was said about me didn't stick up for me/stand up for Heather.

I went to see my mom at work.  She told me to forget about it; everyone at work knows me/knows that I am not sneaky/a saboteur.  I talked to my dad about it.  He wants me to confront Heather.  "Hey.  I heard you talk about me behind my back.  And you accused me of being sneaky and hiding things from you.  That's not true, and I don't want to hear any more that you are saying untrue things about me or I will go to our boss."  I don't think that is going to happen, though.  I will probably drop the c-word or get really riled up and punch her in her big mouth.

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